Hello everyone, our new website is out !
We are going to update it during the creation process of our new album to be released next year in 2024.
It’s been a long process so far with more than one year working on arrangements and getting the best out of each of us. We are proud of what we have already achieved but the road is not yet coming to its end. A lot of work needs to be done.
We have started to work the first tracks and worked on some pre-production recording to check and agree that every single instrument is correctly in place.
Writing the scores under Guitar Pro takes a significant amount of time but that’s an important step of the process to make sure we are playing the tracks as we intended to do.
Here is the current status as of 4/10/2023.

If everything goes well, we should be ready to start recording the drums around end of November.
Yesterday, Pippon and Cédric worked on the guitars.
Tonight we will work on the arrangements of track 9. And on Sunday we have planed a 8h rehearsal.
Keep on rockin !